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Breaking Free from Generational Anxiety: Choosing Positivity and Empowerment

Living with debilitating anxiety can feel like being trapped in a never-ending cycle of fear and negativity. For years, this was my reality, until a few months ago when I decided to take charge of my life and rewrite my story.

As a New Yorker who has called Nashville home for the past two decades, I initially attributed my negative mindset to my past environment. However, I soon realized that it wasn't New York to blame, but rather the negative loops perpetuated by those around me, passed down through generations. The constant worry of "what ifs" consumed me, paralyzing me with fear of making wrong decisions or facing failure.

Recently, during a financial decision-making process, I experienced firsthand how deeply ingrained these negative patterns were. Despite my determination to take control of my finances and invest in my future, my husband backed out at the last minute, succumbing to his own fears. Seeking support from my parents, I was met with the same pessimism that I had grown up with. Their advice echoed the familiar refrain of playing it safe, rather than taking calculated risks.

This encounter served as a wake-up call, prompting me to reflect on my journey of self-discovery and personal growth over the past few months. Through introspection and guidance from mentors like Mel Robbins, I realized the power of reframing my mindset and embracing the positive "what ifs." Instead of dwelling on potential failures, I began envisioning the possibilities of success and growth.

One significant milestone in my journey was the decision to invest in my business, Virsitour. For years, fear held me back from committing fully to my vision, but I finally took the leap of faith, signing the paperwork to invest my commissions into the tech build. In that moment, I felt a profound sense of freedom, knowing that I was aligning my actions with my aspirations.

Breaking free from generational anxiety isn't just about changing our own mindset; it's about setting an example for future generations. I've made a conscious effort to teach my son the importance of positivity and resilience, encouraging him to focus on the lessons learned from challenges rather than succumbing to negativity.

In rewriting my story, I've discovered the transformative power of choosing empowerment over fear, of embracing the positive "what ifs" that lead to growth and fulfillment. It's a journey that requires courage and perseverance, but the rewards—freedom, fulfillment, and endless possibilities—are immeasurable.


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