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Choosing Your Emotions: A Journey to Break Inherited Cycles for a Better Life

In the fast-paced world of high achievers, where success is often measured by external accomplishments, the importance of emotional well-being can sometimes be overlooked. Recently, I embarked on a three-session intensive with the Inner Matrix system, a transformative experience designed for individuals like myself to uncover emotional blocks and break free from recurring cycles. This journey not only proved to be enlightening for my business but also sparked profound revelations in my personal life.

As I delved into the Inner Matrix system, I couldn't help but draw parallels to a poignant line from the musical RENT's "Life Support." The exchange, "How do you feel today?" - "Okay." - "Is that all?" - "Best I felt all year." - "Then why choose fear?" struck a chord with me. It echoed in my mind throughout the process, prompting me to reflect on the choices we make in shaping our emotions and the impact it has not only on ourselves but on the generations that follow.

The Inner Matrix system felt like therapy, but with a distinct advantage – it was a guided path to unlocking what I already knew and possessed within. It unveiled the narratives and cycles we create based on inherited emotions, often without conscious awareness. Many of these emotional patterns have been ingrained in us long before we were born, passed down through generations like a silent inheritance waiting to be unraveled.

Our responses, often rooted in the primitive fight or flight mechanism of our brains, were initially designed for survival in a world teeming with physical threats. However, in today's context, we are not evading bears or escaping the jaws of lions. Instead, our reactions have evolved into prolonged contemplations, dwelling on anxieties, fears, and uncertainties that persist for days, months, or even years.

The realization hit me: we are conditioned to be afraid of things that don't pose a genuine threat to our existence. It became clear that our emotional responses, shaped by inherited patterns, were inhibiting our growth and happiness. The Inner Matrix system provided the tools to recognize what wasn't working and empowered me to change the internal dialogue.

In dissecting my emotional loop during the Inner Matrix sessions, I unraveled a pattern that had woven itself into the fabric of my daily experiences. My loop seemed to revolve around a complex interplay of excitement, anxiety, and nervousness. This emotional concoction, my mind's response to the unknown, manifested as fear – a fear that, in turn, fueled a sense of anger and an overwhelming feeling of insignificance. The cycle, once initiated, became a self-perpetuating loop, a seemingly endless circle that defined my reactions and interactions.

The Inner Matrix system acted as a spotlight, illuminating these hidden emotional pathways and challenging me to question their validity. It prompted me to confront the origins of my emotional responses and recognize the fallacy in allowing fear to dictate my perception of the unknown. In this profound self-discovery, I saw an opportunity to break free from the shackles of this cycle.

As I contemplated my new emotional loop, the concepts of freedom and passion emerged as guiding lights. I realized that these were not foreign entities to me; they were already present within, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. The challenge now lay in redirecting my emotional responses, swapping one loop – characterized by fear and anger – for another, characterized by freedom and passion.

Undoubtedly, this transition wouldn't be an easy feat. It required a conscious effort to rewire ingrained thought patterns and habitual emotional responses. Daily meditation became my anchor, providing a space for self-reflection and a sanctuary to cultivate the seeds of change. Through these moments of introspection, I found the ability to step back from my automatic reactions, creating a space to choose my emotions rather than being ensnared by them.

Regular check-ins on my emotions became a cornerstone of this transformative journey. These check-ins were not just perfunctory; they were deliberate acts of self-care, moments to gauge the ebb and flow of my emotions, and opportunities to redirect the narrative when necessary. This consistent practice gradually developed into a new habit, a habit that empowered me to respond to life's uncertainties with a newfound sense of freedom and passion.

In altering my emotional loop, I realized that I held the key to breaking free from inherited cycles that no longer served me. The Inner Matrix system laid the groundwork for this transformation, but it was my daily commitment to mindfulness and intentional emotional choices that fueled the change. As I continue to navigate this journey, I am discovering that the power to choose my emotions is not just a theoretical concept but a tangible force that shapes the quality of my daily experiences and, ultimately, the legacy I leave for the generations that follow.


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