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Keeping it Real and Wild: My Mom-Podcast Adventure

**See below the links to listen to the podcast

In a world of carefully curated #MomLife Instagram posts and picture-perfect family moments, I decided it was time to throw caution to the wind and embrace the zany rollercoaster ride of parenthood for what it truly is. So, guess what? I recently hopped on a mom’s podcast, and I brought my quirkiest, unfiltered self along for the journey!

Letting My Mom-hair Down

Now, don’t get me wrong; the temptation to pretend I’m the goddess of all things parenting was there. But hey, where’s the fun in that? Instead, I decided to dive headfirst into the chaos of my mom-life with school-age kids and wear my mismatched socks (sometimes literally) proudly for all to see.

Busting the Myth of Supermoms

During our podcast session, I revealed it all – the sleepless nights that had me chasing caffeine like a sleep-deprived ninja, the times when I questioned my sanity, and the adventurous school projects that transformed our living room into a DIY craft studio. I was an open book, and it felt like group therapy for moms who’ve been there, done that, and worn the T-shirt inside out.

LOLs and Tears Galore

The host, who’s a fellow mom, and I had a blast. We laughed until we snorted and shed some genuine tears as we bared our souls. Who knew that being real could be so hilarious and heartwarming at the same time? It was like bonding over spilled milk - a bonding experience that only parents can truly understand.

Celebrating the Beautiful Chaos

In the end, my podcast adventure was a wild and exhilarating reminder that being unapologetically authentic is the way to go. Momming ain’t about perfection; it’s about the wonderfully chaotic journey. Let’s face it - perfection is overrated, but the fun is in the mess, the spontaneity, and the laughs along the way.

Let’s Keep the Party Going

So, here’s to embracing the hilarious imperfections of mom-life and to more mom-podcast adventures to come. Motherhood is a wild, unscripted comedy – and you bet I’m ready to be the star of the show! After all, why be ordinary when you can be the life of the mom party?

Remember, life’s a comedy of errors, especially when you’re a mom, and the best part is when you can sit back, relax, and just enjoy the show! 🎉😂👧👦🎙️🎨📚

To listen to the episode click this link:



Thank you to Amanda for bringing me in as a guest. You can follow all her aMOMynous podcasts at:


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