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Nourishing Mom: A Journey to Health and Vitality

I've embarked on a transformative journey that I'm excited to share with you all. In the whirlwind of our busy lives, it's far too easy to put everyone else's needs before our own, especially when it comes to health and wellness. But I've discovered that with a bit of determination and creativity, even the busiest mom can make significant changes for the better.

Over the past few weeks, I committed myself to a cleanse tailored to fit my bustling lifestyle. It wasn't about drastic measures or deprivation, but rather practical choices that I could sustain. The cleanse involved simple meal options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, allowing me to choose from three different options each time. Admittedly, bidding farewell to coffee, carbs, dairy, and even alcohol was quite the challenge—after all, mama needs her wine!

Let's talk breakfast—a meal I often skipped in the past. Now, I indulge in hard-boiled eggs with fruit, overnight oats, or a refreshing blueberry smoothie. For mid-morning fuel, I opt for a handful of almonds, blueberries, or an apple with almond butter. Lunchtime is all about salads with grilled chicken, Waldorf salads, or delicious leftovers from the night before.

Come afternoon, I keep the momentum going with more snacks like carrots and hummus or simply revisiting my morning options. Dinners have transformed into flavorful creations like white chili, spaghetti squash with lean meats (we're loving shrimp with pesto!), or succulent salmon with a side of veggies.

To complement my meals, I've introduced green tea, water with lemon, and a probiotic drink into my daily routine. The results? More energy than ever and a welcome drop of about 4 pounds.

Transitioning into week two, I adopted the 80/20 rule—committing to healthy choices 80% of the time while allowing some flexibility for indulgence. This meant savoring a beer, relishing two small slices of pizza, or adding cheese to my turkey burger and shrimp taco bowl and still 3 more pounds down.

Yet, as much as I've relished in these changes, the journey isn't without its challenges. Snacks remain a hurdle, especially when my schedule becomes hectic. Packing ahead or refining my timing is a work in progress.

Nonetheless, this experience has underscored the importance of prioritizing my health and well-being. Despite the demands of family and business, carving out time for self-care has yielded tremendous benefits. No longer do I succumb to hangry spells; instead, I'm fueled with vitality, focus, and a newfound sense of balance.

While hitting the gym twice a week remains a goal, I've come to understand that progress is a journey, not a destination. By embracing vision and consistency, I've witnessed firsthand the remarkable transformations that unfold when we invest in ourselves.

To all the moms out there juggling countless responsibilities, remember: you are worth every ounce of effort invested in your health and happiness. Here's to embracing each day with renewed vigor and the belief that anything is possible.

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