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Momsomnia: Can't turn your brain off?

Welcome to momsomnia (an actual medical term for moms who cannot sleep and worry about everything...well maybe not medical, but true)

Hello world! I am Debbie Garcia: mom of two, wife to one and CEO of a Tech startup in the hospitality industry. I have had this idea for a very long time to share my journey as the three things stated above right as the pandemic started. Now, insomnia has been a big part of my life for a very long time and has gotten exacerbated by many life changes and especially the stress that comes along with those changes.

This blog is not just a peak into my world and how I have learned to deal or not deal with the stresses of being a mom, but this is a journey I hope you join in on and have an open and honest discussion.

What To Expect

Funny enough, I am not really sure what you should expect. This is a journey and sometimes a journey takes different directions. If you told me 3 years ago that we would have been locked down in a global pandemic, lost a job that I absolutely loved and the kids were going to be home doing virtual school, I would have laughed. But that is exactly what happened. So this blog will sometimes be random and sometimes be very "in the news". Maybe it will just be cathartic to express feelings that have not been dealt with or explore some ideas that collectively we have not explored but have been tortured by or just a way to laugh at ourselves.

Let's Go

So, let's get started on this crazy journey together. Please feel free to join in the conversation by commenting. We all have our own journeys and I'd love to hear yours.

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